Bring your fantasy world to life with the enchanting Eden Specials Fantasy Collection

Dive into the enchanting world of Eden Specials, a special part of our Eden Collection, where each plant has its own unique story. Get ready for an unforgettable journey through the world of fantasy with our new collection of four magical plants, all of which carry one common theme: fantasy. This theme was born from the growing love of fantasy and the trend that stems from it. Discover these enchanting plants and be transported to a world of pure imagination!

Begonia Ferox – Troll

Enter the enchanting world of the Begonia Ferox, a plant that is not only extraordinary in color, but also has a unique leaf structure that makes it a terrible beauty. Admire the magnificent Begonia Ferox and be bewitched by its unique and breathtaking beauty!

'' In ancient Scandinavia where legends meet the present. The story of this plant is about a hidden people who lived in the mountains and caves and were considered "different." This Begonia can certainly be called different from the well-known Begonias. With its wild growth habit and typical points on the leaves, this Begonia TROLL is terribly beautiful. '' 

Begonia Kingiana – King Halfheart

Be mesmerized by the subtle beauty of this plant, whose leaf shape forms a half heart that only becomes complete when two leaves come together to form one heart. It is from this intriguing thought that the following story was born:

'' This plant native to Asia has the name Begonia King Halfheart received by a special story about a king. In his final battle, the King lost his heart to this plant. The plant experienced its love so great that he gave half his heart back to the king. They are forever linked together. Take care of this plant with lots of love and he will also give half his heart to you.'' 

Peperomia sarcophylla – Mythic Elf Ears

This plant tells its own story, and it all starts with the leaf. Each leaf is like a unique canvas on which the plant paints its life story with colors and patterns that only nature can devise. Learn more about this special story and discover the enchanting world of this plant!

''In the mythical elf kingdom the Southlands of Americom, this plant is revered because of the shape of its leaves. The plant is very similar to the ears of the inhabitants of this land and is therefore associated with the ancestors. These plants are cared for with great care and love to earn the respect of the ancestors. This powerful mythical plant is also meant for you.'' 

Peperomia sarcophylla

Rhapidophora decursiva – Dragonstail (medio 2023)

Meet the unique growth habit of this plant, characterized by its rapid and exuberant growth in width. It is a fascinating spectacle that you don't want to miss. Keep a close eye on this special growth habit and enjoy the beautiful transformation of this plant!

‘’ Deze uit Zuid-Amerika afkomstige plant heeft naast zijn sterke, robuuste uitstraling een leuke eigenschap waar je dagelijks mee bezig kunt zijn. De plant maakt een opmerkelijke staart! Met het Dragonstail meetlint kun je de groei van de drakenstaart meten. Meet je dragonstail regelmatig en verbaas jezelf! Deel jouw ervaringen op #dragonstail #drakenstaartje.’’ 


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